
What does AI mean for the modern testing world?

With Vipul Kocher

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AI is being touted as the future by many testing experts. AI is also one of the major evolving trends in software development, according to Gartner.

Join us for a session, ‘What does AI mean for the modern testing world’ by Vipul Kocher!

Vipul Kocher

Vipul Kocher
Soul, TestAIing.com, Verity Software and SALT. President of Indian Testing Board. Speaker, Mentor and Coach

Meet The Speaker

Vipul Kocher, one of the first testers from India, is also the inventor of Q-Patterns and the Linguistic Analysis technique for test design and reuse. A founder/soul of several companies, one of which is testAIng that addresses the world where testing and AI intersect.

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